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scrcpy free download


Download scrcpy Private Server, you will fall in love! With the help of the open-source program Scrcpy, you may use USB or TCP/IP to show and manage Android devices from a computer.

Features supported by Scrcpy include file transfers, keyboard input emulation, and screen recording. Developers, players, and people who wish to effectively manage their Android devices from their PCs are among the many users.

If want to know more on Scrcpy then visit the given scrcpy official website link in this post.


February 2015 - Present

(9 years 2 months)

Software Engineer

Tech CrossUSA

Hey this is john sarno, I am professional software engineer and tech enthusiast, currently works in TechCross.Ltd. Recently i am reserching on technology called scrcpy which is screen mirroring tool, which allows you to mirror your phone screen with a big screen such as TV, Laptop and tablets. It gives you a lot of features like HD quality, phone screen can be controlled by keyboard and mouse.